
i put things here. what the things then do, is up to them…

glad you could join us – part 8


the small raindrops hit his face.
no, that’s not the right word – they touched his skin, gently landing on it. the light, warm breeze was a welcome and long awaited change to the cold and harsh ways of the winter. it was cold for long enough, time to let spring take over.
the trees already got the message: they were blooming all around, displaying wonderful colors, filling the air with wondrous smells for those who took the time to appreciate them.

time did its thing, and passed. the drizzle stopped and the clouds parted to make way for a beautiful sight.

he opened his eyes and gazed into the sky. the moon shone bright, like a razor-sharp, white sickle in the sky, as if it was responsible for cutting down something big into all the little white dots you can see in the night sky.

he closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. the air tasted of wood and grass and blossoms, with hints of metal and concrete, and was heavy with moisture from the rain before.

he made a mental note to get his shorts out of the depths of his wardrobe and end their hibernation.
it felt good to know that spring was finally here.