
i put things here. what the things then do, is up to them…

blank spaces – part 6


he stared at the empty input field, transfixed by the blinking cursor. blink…..blink….blink…
the input field stared back at him, with all the intensity and chaos of all possibilities crammed into a single, small space, resting in the hands of an unknowing and undetermined human being.

he wanted to write something. it had been ages since writing his last genuine text and he was anxious to make his mind produce something he would later read and think to himself “yes, this reads like something I would write and like”. but at the very moment, the emptiness of nothing screamed silently into his face and he was not sure what to do or how to cope with his current inability to pull even the slightest idea out of his unexeptional brain.

with a heavy sigh of surrender, he started typing the only idea that his small universe allowed him to have:
“he stared at the empty input field, transf….”