
i put things here. what the things then do, is up to them…

bio story of Nicolas Hyde


this text was written as background story for an RPG character.

nicolas was born on a rainy monday evening in 1988. the 29th of february to be precise. at 21:37 to be even more precise.
if it were not physically required for his mother to be at his birth, she would have sent someone to represent her, along with an apology and a promise to be there next time – as she had an important business meeting to attend to.
it was a normal birth without any complications but his mother never wanted to go through the whole ordeal again, so nicolas remained an only child.

as for his father, he was on the other side of the world, on a business trip and although he wanted to be there when his son’s eyes met the rays of neon tubes for the first time, it was simply not possible: nicolas decided to leave the comforts of his mother’s womb prematurely and gave his father no chance to be there.

his youth proceeded greatly ordinary.
until the accident. then everything changed.
his parents go through immense lengths to avoid talking about it. they both feel that it is their fault, that they were not there to protect him.
add to that the fact that none of them actually know what really happened.

nicolas was found lying almost naked in a cornfield, on the outskirts of town.
this would not have been of great consequence if it weren’t for the fact that it was the middle of winter – and an extremely harsh one at that.
the woman who found him later insisted that she would never have stumbled upon him if it weren’t for the unusual behaviour of her dog, max, who practically dragged her to him.
when she found him, nicolas looked like he was sleeping, peacefully. only max’s constant barking and licking seemed to force a shred of life back into him.
some warm blankets, a cup of hot cocoa, an ambulance ride and a short stay at the hospital later he was back in the arms of his crying mother and father.

but nicolas was not the same afterwards.
it seemed as if he had lost touch with his own feelings.
„a sudden onset of autism or a schizoid personality disorder” the doctors said, but even they were not entirely sure what was wrong with him.
from here on the only lifeforms which nicolas seemed to get along with well were himself and animals. somehow he felt he understood them. it was not complicated with them. no hidden meanings or unspoken truths. just direct an plain intentions which he could read and understand.

his parents never forgave themselves. they tried everything to make up for their lack of proper care.
as a result they fulfilled him every wish he had. as both his parents were quite successful financially, he literally got everything he wanted.
he only had to ask.

he even can do whatever he wants…